User Activities - PrivateContent add-on

WordPress Add-on

Your users. Your Data. Effortlessly

Modern businesses can’t ignore services usage statistics and data analysys. That’s why tools like Google Analytics became so important.However tracked data are not really yours, those systems relies relies on tracking cookies (european privacy laws issues) and, specially since Google Analytics 4, require serious skills to be managed.This add-on borned to give PrivateContent customers a powerful, yet simple-to-use tool, working under the hood and potentially tracking any single action logged users could do on your website.As soon as you install the add-on you will be able to know which pages are visited, when users log, register and much more. On which page, on which precise second. With full user name (or any of its data) attached.Caring about data usage privacy? A special option will require a specific disclaimer acceptance to gather data from each user.

Don't trust words, check how simple and powerful it is

How many activities do you want to track?

The add-on engine is truly able to track any activity the user does on your website: its combined PHP/javascript handlers cover them all. You can also trigger the same action on both cliet and server sides!Don’t know what WordPress Hooks are? Not skilled in javscript? PrivateContent suite products already do the job for you: each of their systems trigger an activity. You just need a click.Having basic skills (or simply asking the support) there are virtually no limits. Want to know have statistics about clicks on a button in a targeted page? Know which user  triggered a specific WordPress hook in a specific time span? Well, now you can!

Meta data, numbers and filters

Any expert data analyst kows power comes from details. You can attach unlimited meta-data to each activity!By default each activity registers the website page URL where it has been performed, but there is no limit to the data you can associate,What to do with all thosse data? Filters!Meta-data are not only a static strings but can be actively used to filter activities in the reports.A quick example: imagine to be able to make performance comparisons between two different forms placed in different website areas!But there is more: you can also attach numeric values to meta-data, to create special numeric reports. An example again: through Premium Plans add-on you have reports about pay subscription incomes!

Super-targeted activities reports

Even the most complete activities database is useless without an efficient and easy-to-understand report. Choose the time span, include how many activity types you want, filter them by activity meta or targeting specific user segments and let the add-on elaborate your data.An interactive chart will display the monthly/daily/hourly (and even per minute!) trend. Underneath, the fetched data detail for each activity type: where data can be grouped by one or two dimensions.For example you will be able to know how many page views have been performed on each week day and how many time each user visited a single page .You can also have a direct percentage comparison with the exact past period.Each report configuration can be saved to be quickly displayed.And even more: each report can be immediately exported in PDF with a single click!

Scheduled e-mail reports

You can receive statistics about your website usage even not opening your web browser: the add-on can send e-mails attaching the PDF version and also printing a summary table in the e-mail text.Unlimited yearly, monthly, daily, hourly schedules. At the time you prefer.Even on targeted week days. Imagine to receive an e-mail at the end of the working week, reporting you the past 5 day statistics. How cool is that?(this system requires the Mail Actions add-on or the Bundle Pack)

User activities timeline

Crossed data reports are not the only way you can consult stored data: in each user dashboard you find the complete activities timeline of what they did on the website!Each activity has the linked website page link and its meta-data attached, giving you the most complete view you might want.You can also search for precise time intervals and activity types.
Real-time activities tracking

Not relying on any third-party system, the engine works in real time and is able to give you real-time activities informations!

A dedicated interface scans your database each 15 seconds, reporting any (or targeted) activity logged users are doing in that exact moment. .

Not only numbers but details: each real-time activity repors the user having performed it and the related website page link.

WordPress dashboard widgets

They are an handy way to have a quick look over activities count and chart.

Is possible to create unlimited widgets, selecting the target activity type and the time span to consider.

Widgets also perform the values comparison with past period, informing you about increasing or decreasing trends.

PDF header and footer

Corporate level branding.
Is possible to define an header and footer content for PDF reports.

They will be placed in each PDF page: essential to have professional results. Sign your reports header with your logo. Carefully order report pages with automatic page numbers.

Everything with the maximum ease and no skill at all!