LC Color Picker

Javascript Plugin

A colorpicker for the modern web

  • sigle 31KB file, no dependencies, 100% pure javascript
  • supports solid color and/on linear gradient and/or radial gradient
  • unlimited gradient color steps support
  • optional transparency support
  • light/dark theme
  • adjustable in-field preview
  • mobile ready
  • multilanguage ready

Basic Implementation

					<!doctype html>
           <input type="text" name="sample-input" value="" />

        <script src="lc_color_picker.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

        <script type="text/javascript">
        new lc_color_picker('input');


Here are listed available options with default values

					new lc_color_picker('input', {

    // (array) containing supported modes (solid | linear-gradient | radial-gradient) 
    modes : ['solid', 'linear-gradient', 'radial-gradient'], 
    // (bool) whether to allow colors transparency tune
    transparency : true, 

     // (bool) whether to open the picker when field is focused
    open_on_focus : true, 
    // (bool) whether to enable dark picker theme
    dark_theme : false, 
    // (bool) whether to stretch the trigger in order to cover the whole input field
    no_input_mode : false, 

    // (string) defines the wrapper width. "auto" to leave it up to CSS, "inherit" to statically copy input field width, or any other CSS sizing 
    wrap_width : 'auto',
    // (object) defining shape and position of the in-field preview
    preview_style : { 
        input_padding   : 35, // extra px padding eventually added to the target input to not cover text
        side            : 'right', // right or left
        width           : 30,
        separator_color : '#ccc', // (string) CSS color applird to preview element as separator
    // (array) defining default colors used when trigger field has no value. First parameter for solid color, second for gradient
    fallback_colors : ['#008080', 'linear-gradient(90deg, #fff 0%, #000 100%)'], 

    // (function) triggered every time field value changes. Passes value and target field object as parameters
    on_change : null, // function(new_value, target_field) {},

    // (array) option used to translate script texts
    labels          : [ 
        'click to change color',
        'Linear Gradient',
        'Radial Gradient',
        'add gradient step',
        'gradient angle',
        'gradient shape',

Let's get in touch!

Features list