Put some soul in your forms!

Full-featured, pure javascript, plugin to seamless integrate emojis into text inputs and textareas.
Emojis are nowadays more used than words. To implement them into text fields gives a modern and original touch to your websites.
Just a single 15KB javascript file (plus emojis list JSON).
No dependencies, and you are ready to go!
Basic Implementation
Here are listed available options with default values
new lc_emoji_picker('textarea, input', {
// (string) html code injected as picker trigger
picker_trigger :
// (object) defies trigger position relatively to target field
trigger_position : {
top : '5px',
right: '5px',
// (object) defines trigger size
trigger_size : {
height : '22px',
width: '22px',
// (int) right padding value (in pixels) applied to target field to avoid texts under the trigger
target_r_padding : 27,
// (string) emoji JSON url
emoji_json_url : 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LCweb-ita/LC-emoji-picker/master/emoji-list.min.json',
// (array) option used to translate script texts
labels : [
'insert emoji',
'search emoji',
'.. no results ..',
// (function) triggered as soon as an emoji is selected. Passes emoji and target field objects as parameters
selection_callback : null, // function(emoji, target_field) {},