LC Micro Slider

Javascript Plugin

Slide everything into this javascript slider! Just 19kb all-inclusive, is super extensible and customizable.
There are dozens of sliders, so, why use this?

Installation & Usage

  1. include js/lc-micro-slider.min.js file
  2. include a theme (eg. themes/default_theme.css)
  3. initialize plugin targeting one/multiple properly composed page elements

first parameter may be a textual selector or a DOM object (yes, also jQuery objects)

Few notes anout the HTML structure:

  • the target element must contain a UL list. Each list element will be a slide
  • is suggested to use the “data-type” attribute. Possible values: image, video, iframe, mixed
    Can be globally defined using *fixed_slide_type* option
  • the “data-img” or “data-srcset” attribute defines slide’s background and is lazyloaded
					<div id="slider_wrap">
    <ul style="display: none;">
       <li data-img="../demo_assets/parrot.jpg" data-type="image">A colorful parrot!</li>
        <li data-srcset="../demo_assets/cat.jpg 1920w, ../demo_assets/cat_1024.jpg 1024w, ../demo_assets/cat_512.jpg 512w">Cat's eyes</li>

        <li data-type="video">
            <iframe style="height: 100%; width: 100%;" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
        <li data-type="iframe">
            <video controls autoplay muted>
                <source src="../demo_assets/squirrel.mp4" type="video/mp4">

        <li data-img="../demo_assets/cat.jpg" data-type="mixed">
            <h4 id="txt_heading">Also some plain text!</h4>
            <p>Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam eaque ipsa, quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt, explicabo.</p> <p>Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem, quia voluptas sit, aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos, qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt, neque porro quisquam est</p>


<script type="text/javascript">
new lc_micro_slider('#slider_wrap', {
    addit_classes : ['lcms_default_theme'] // always specify which theme to use    


Here are listed available options with default values

					new lc_micro_slider('#slider_wrap', {

    // (string) sliding effect / none - slide - fade - fadeslide - zoom-in - zoom-out
    slide_fx : 'fadeslide',	
    // (string) CSS animation easing to use / ease - linear - ease-in (etc) [supports also cubic-bezier]
    slide_easing : 'ease',	
    // (bool) shows navigation arrows 
    nav_arrows : true,	
    // (bool) shows navigation dots
    nav_dots : false,	
    // (bool) whether to add slideshow commands (play/pause)
    slideshow_cmd : true,		
    // (bool) whether to use carousel navigation
    carousel : true,	
    // (bool) whether to enable touch navigation
    touchswipe : true,	
    // (bool) whether to autostart slideshow
    autoplay : false,	
    // (int) animation timing in millisecods / 1000 = 1sec
    animation_time : 700, 	
    // (int) interval time of the slideshow in milliseconds / 1000 = 1sec
    slideshow_time : 5000, 	
    // (bool) whether to pause and restart slideshow on hover
    pause_on_hover : true,	
    // (bool) whether to pause slideshow on HTML video play 
    pause_on_video_play : false,  
    // (string) extra HTML code to be injected in the slider to add further commands
    extra_cmd_code : '',   
    // (string) defines a fixed slide type fallback. Is overrided by speific data-type attribute. Possible values: image, video, iframe, mixed
    fixed_slide_type : '',    
    // (string) loading animation HTML code
    loader_code : '<span class="lcms_loader"></span>', 
    // (array) additional classes attached to the slider wrapper. Use it also to define the attached theme
    addit_classes : [],       

Mixing themes

You can use multiple themes in the same page. Be sure to prefix every theme’s CSS rule with the class you will use.
For example .lcms_light_theme and .lcms_dark_theme

					<link href="themes/light.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link href="themes/dark.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

<script type="text/javascript>
new lc_micro_slider('#slider_wrap1', {
    addit_classes : ['lcms_light_theme'] // always specify which theme to use    

new lc_micro_slider('#slider_wrap2', {
    addit_classes : ['lcms_dark_theme'] // always specify which theme to use    

Public Functions

There are several public functions you can call wherever in your webpages on initialized elements

					const target_el = '#slider_wrap';

new lc_micro_slider(target_el, {
    addit_classes : ['lcms_default_theme']

// starts slideshow (pass a selector string or DOM element object)

// stops slideshow (pass a selector string or DOM element object)

// move to a slide (pass a selector string or DOM element object)
lcms_slide(target_el, slide_index); 

Public Events

Here arethe available events, globally triggerd on initialized elements

					const $el = document.getElementById('slider_wrap');

// dispatched whenever slider structure is ready, before injecting the first slide
$el.addEventListener('lcms_ready', (e) => {

// dispatched whenever a new slide is shown (after lazyload)
$el.addEventListener('lcms_slide_shown', (e) => {
    // e.detail.slide_index - (int) slide index
    // e.detail.slide_data - (object) slide data 

// dispatched whenever a slide action is performed
$el.addEventListener('lcms_changing_slide', (e) => {
    // e.detail.new_index - (int) incoming slide index
    // e.detail.slide_data - (object) incoming slide data 
    // e.detail.curr_index - (int) current (to be removed) slide index

// dispatched whenever the new slide is in its final position
$el.addEventListener('lcms_new_active_slide', (e) => {
    // e.detail.new_index - (int) new slide index
    // e.detail.slide_data - (object) new slide data 

// dispatched whenever slider slideshow plays
$el.addEventListener('lcms_play_slideshow', (e) => {

// dispatched whenever slider slideshow stops
$el.addEventListener('lcms_stop_slideshow', (e) => {


Slider dynamic variables are stored in the DOM object. This might be useful to retrieve or alterate slider data once it has been initialized.
Inspect the initial plugin’s code part to know which vars are used

					const $el = document.getElementById('slider_wrap');

const instance = new lc_micro_slider($el, {
    addit_classes : ['lcms_default_theme']

// retrieve currently shown slide index
const active_index = $el.lcms_vars.shown_slide; // (int)

// know whether slideshow is playing
const active_index = $el.lcms_vars.is_playing; // (bool)

// inject a new slide and eventually refresh dots navigation
    type    : 'image',              // (string) slide type - Possible values: image, video, iframe, mixed 
    content : 'The caption!',       // (string) what you normally defines into the slide <li> tag,
    img		: 'the-image-url.jpg',  // (string|bool) data-img attribute set for <li> tag or false if not set
    classes	: ''                    // (string) eventual extra classes

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