PrivateContent Plugin

API Documentation

Hooks - Filters


Add pages to be excluded from "complete site lock". Use only pages ID.

  1. (array) array containing excluded page ids
// exclude page 100 from lock
function foo($pages) {
	$pages[] = 100;
	return $pages;
add_filter('pc_complete_lock_exceptions', 'foo');

Allows custom field types injection inside frontend forms.

  1. (string) the field code
  2. (string) field type
  3. (string) field identifier
  4. (array) field structure
  5. (bool) whether the field is required or not/li>
  6. (int) logged user ID (to pre-populate field)
  7. (array) extra HTML field classes
  8. (array) extra HTML field attributes array(attr_name => attr_val)
  9. (object) the form framework class instance
// inject custom field inside the form
function foo($code, $f_type, $field_id, $structure, $is_required, $user_id, $extra_classes, $extra_atts, $class) {
	if($f_type != 'my custom field') {
		return $code;	

	$code = '
// custom field code
'; return $code; } add_filter('pc_custom_field_type', 'foo', 10, 9); ?>

Allow custom redirect url return when pc_man_redirects() API function is called.

  1. (string) the redirect URL
  2. (string) the redirect key
  3. (false|int) user ID eventually passed or false
// set a custom URL on logged user redirect if user ID = 5
function foo($url, $key, $user_id) {
    if($key == 'pc_logged_user_redirect' && $user_id == 5) {
        $url = 'the-url';    
	return $url;
add_filter('pc_custom_redirect_url', 'foo', 10, 3);

Add specific URLs to be restricted following user categories. Supports also regular expressions, so you can target multiple pages at once.
Users not having correct permissions will be moved to main redirect target.

  1. (array) associative array having URL as key and restriction pattern as value
// restrict an URL or URLs matching a regular expression, allowing only users belonging to categories 2 and 4 - blocking 3
function foo($restrictet_urls) {
	$restrictet_urls[''] = array(
		'allowed' => '2,4'
		'blocked' => 3
	return $restrictet_urls;
add_filter('pc_custom_restriction', 'foo');

Customize a specific plugin message, overriding previously declared customizations in settings.

  1. (string) message that would be returned normally
  2. (string) message key, check list here
// customize message for logged in users
function foo($mess, $subj) {
	if($subj == 'pc_login_ok_mex') {
		return 'Custom message!';	
add_filter('pc_customize_message', 'foo', 10, 2);

Customize how fetched database data is returned through data_to_human() method.
Be careful: once you use it, default data management is overrided.

  1. (string) data as returned by database query (serialized data is unmanaged)
  2. (string) field index
// costomize how name is returned, capitalizing it
function foo($data, $subj) {
	if($subj == 'name') {
		return strtoupper($data);	
add_filter('pc_data_to_human', 'foo', 10, 2);

Add fields to be included in exported data.
Passes through get_users method, then must be stored in meta data table.

  1. (array) fields key array to be fetched
// export also "test_field" - contained in meta-data table
function foo($to_get) {
	$to_get[] = 'test_field';
	return $to_get;
add_filter('pc_export_fields', 'foo');

Gives a chance to perform a further check over the pc_user_check() API function.
NB: user is logged then its ID can be retrieved through $GLOBALS['pc_user_id'].

  1. (int) this filter must return a proper value: 1 == ok or 2 == blocked
  2. (array) User categories
  3. (array) $allowed pc_user_check() parameter
  4. (array) $blocked pc_user_check() parameter
// block user assigned to category #3
function foo($response, $user_cats, $allowed, $blocked) {
	if(in_array(3, $user_cats)) {
		$response = 2;

	return $response;
add_filter('pc_extra_user_check', 'foo', 10, 4);

Frontend form field attributes filter. To add new attributes or manage existing ones

  1. (array) attributes array having attribute name as index: array(name => myFieldName)
  2. (string) field id
  3. (array) form fields structure
  4. (false|int) user ID eventually passed or false
  5. (object) form framework class instance
// let's add a new attribute to the username field
function foo($attributes, $field_id, $form_fields, $user_id, $class) {
    if($field_id == 'username') {
        $attributes['data-myattr'] = 'myval';
	return $attributes;
add_filter('pc_field_atts', 'foo', 10, 5);

Allows extra HTML classes to be associated on specific frontend form fields

  1. (array) classes array
  2. (string) field id
  3. (array) form fields structure
  4. (false|int) user ID eventually passed or false
  5. (object) form framework class instance
// let's add a new class to the surname field only if name field is in thee form
function foo($classes, $field_id, $form_fields, $user_id, $class) {
    if(in_array('name', $form_fields['include'])) {
        $classes[] = 'myclass';
	return $classes;
add_filter('pc_field_classes', 'foo', 10, 5);

Allow form field value filter before frontend form output

  1. (mixed) field value to filter
  2. (string) field id
  3. (array) form fields structure
  4. (false|int) user ID eventually passed or false
  5. (false|array) user data fetched for the form fields filling (if user_id parameter is not false), or false
  6. (object) form framework class instance
// turn the surname into uppercase letters for a data-edit form
function foo($f_val, $field_id, $form_structure, $user_id, $user_data, $class) {
    if($user_id && $field_id == 'username') {
        $f_val = strtoupper($f_val);    
	return $f_val;
add_filter('pc_form_field_val', 'foo', 10, 6);

Extend PrivateContent fields adding new ones or tanaging existing fields data.
New fields automatically setup also validations, tuned on the field structure.


Only one parameter: associative array of associative array(field-key => values array) containing existing fields.
Each array element defines a specific field aspect and validation parameters. Here's a guideline for indexes and possible values

(string) (mandatory) labelfield label, used alo in forms
(string) (mandatory) type field type. Choose among:

texttext field (cases may be specified in subtype)
selectdropdown field
checkboxmulti-option checkbox
single_checkboxsingle-option checkbox
(string) subtype text fields subtype.
Leave empty to use a normal text input or choose among:

emailinserted data have to match e-mail format
intinserted data must be an integer number
floatinserted data must be a floating number (international format)
eu_dateinserted data must be an european date DD/MM/YYYY
us_dateinserted data must be an american date MM/DD/YYYY
iso_dateinserted data must be a YYYY//MM/DD date
24h_timeinserted data must be HH:MM time in 24hrs format
12h_timeinserted data must be HH:MM AM/PM time in 12hrs format
us_telinserted data must be an american telephone number
zipcodeinserted data must be an american ZIP code
urlinserted data must be a valid URL
(int) maxlentextual fields characters limitation
(string) regextextual fields advanced validation. Will be used with preg_match() function
(int) range_fromnumeric fields limit, defines minimum accepted value.
Could be a floating number according to chosen subytpe
(int) range_tonumeric fields limit, defines maximum accepted value.
Could be a floating number according to chosen subytpe
(array) optselect and multi-checkbox field options.
Must be an associative array having the option value as index and the label as array value: array(index1 => val1, index2 => val2)
(string) placehtextual fields placeholder
(string) iconFontAwesome 5 icon class
(string) groupOptionally define a group name for the field, for a better usage in backend systems
(bool) multipleselect fields switch: true to allow multi-option selection
(array) def_choicedefault values selected for select and checkboxes fields
(string) check_txtsingle-option checkbox parameter, defining text shown on check's side
(bool) disclaimersingle-option checkbox switch: true if field must be shown in disclaimers box
(string) helperOptionally define a text to be shown under field name
(bool) fullw_fWhether to use the "fullwidth" field layout (eg. useful if you expect long texts)
// add a new integer text field with specific limitations and a dropdown field
function foo($fields) {
	$fields['new_field1'] = array(
		'label' 	=> 'Field 1 Label',
		'type' 		=> 'text',
		'subtype' 	=> 'int',
		'range_from'=> 10,
		'range_to'	=> 50,
		'placeh'	=> 'insert a number between 10 and 50',
		'note' 		=> 'internal note',
        'group'     => 'my fields',
	$fields['new_field2'] = array(
		'label'       => 'Field 2 Label',
		'type'        => 'select',
		'opt'         => array(
            'opt1' => 'option 1', 
            'opt2' => 'option 2', 
            'opt3' => 'option 3'
		'note' 		=> 'internal note',
		'multiple'	=> false,
        'group'     => 'my fields',
        'helper'    => 'the helper text'
	return $fields;
add_filter('pc_form_fields_filter', 'foo');

Adds the ability to perform custom validations in forms managed by form framework class (registration, insertion, update).

  1. (array) array of errors already found, HTML ready to be printed
  2. (array) associative array of fetched value (field_name => field_value)
  3. (false|int) user ID eventually passed or false
// return an error if e-mail field doesn't contain
function foo($errors, $fdata, $user_id) {
	if(isset($fdata['email']) && strpos($fdata['email'], '') === false) {
		$errors[] = 'E-mail must be of domain!';	

	return $errors;
add_filter('pc_form_valid_errors', 'foo', 10, 2);

Allows extra control over form validation rules

  1. (array) form fields validation indexes. Structure must comply with the validator class
  2. (array) fetched form field values (index => value)
  3. (int|false) form term ID (where available)
  4. (string) form term's taxonomy (where available) (eg. pc_reg_form_ct for registration forms)
  5. (false|int) user ID eventually passed or false
  6. (object) form framework class instance
// supposing to have injected through "pc_form_fields_filter" a field code composed by two HTML number fields, validate them
function foo($indexes, $form_vals, $form_id, $taxonomy, $user_id, $class) {
    $indexes[] = array('index'=>'my_num1', 'label'=>'Number one', 'required'=>true, 'min_val'=>5, 'max_val'=>50);
    $indexes[] = array('index'=>'my_num2', 'label'=>'Number two', 'required'=>true, 'min_val'=>50, 'max_val'=>800);
	return $indexes;
add_filter('pc_form_validator_indexes', 'foo', 10, 6);

Allows import data filter for each user. Return an error message to abort the user import

  1. (array) user data
  2. (bool) whether import shall be aborted if a data error is found
  3. (bool) whether import shall be aborted if an existing user is found
// abort import if email is not .org
function foo($user_data, $abort_on_error, $abort_on_duplicate) {
    if(substr($user_data['email'], -4) != '.org' && $abort_on_error) {
        return 'E-mail must be .org';    
	return $user_data;
add_filter('pc_import_data', 'foo', 9999, 3);

Allows extra javascript to be outputted right after forms closing (requires the <script></script> tag)

  1. (string) the code (ready to be placed in the HTML structure)
  2. (array) form fields structure
  3. (false|int) user ID eventually passed or false
  4. (object) form framework class instance
// add some code if name field is in thee form
function foo($code, $form_fields, $user_id, $class) {
    if(in_array('name', $form_fields['include'])) {
        $code .= ;
	return $code;
add_filter('pc_inline_form_js', 'foo', 10, 4);

Performs custom data validation before user is inserted into database

  1. (string) errors already found, HTML readyto be printed
  2. (array) associative array of fetched value (field_name => field_value)
// return an error if e-mail field doesn't contain
function foo($errors, $fdata) {
	if(isset($fdata['email']) && strpos($fdata['email'], '') === false) {
		$errors .= '
E-mail must be of domain!'; } return $errors; } add_filter('pc_insert_user_data_check', 'foo', 10, 2); ?>

Set additional required fields for user insertion

  1. (array) array containing field names. Values must be registered in form framework
// set name field as mandatory
function foo($fields) {
	return $fields;
add_filter('pc_insert_user_required_fields', 'foo');

Allows custom checks before allowing user to log in

  1. (bool/text) by default is false and allow login. Return text to abort login
  2. (int) user ID - useful to perform database checks

Additional data management for fetched meta values

  1. (mixed) fetched meta value (array and objects already unserialized)
  2. (string) meta key
// use strtoupper on fetched meta "test"
function foo($val, $meta_key) {
	if($meta_key == 'test') {
		$val = strtoupper($val);	
	return $val;
add_filter('pc_insert_user_required_fields', 'foo', 10, 2);

Manage users private page contents. Useful to prepend or append elements

  1. (string) private page contents
// print 'lorem ipsum' paragraph before contents
function foo($contents) {
	return '

lorem ipsum

' . $contents; } add_filter('pc_pvt_page_contents', 'foo'); ?>

Allows user private pages preset contents customization

  1. (string) HTML contents
// appending a paragraph
function foo($preset) {
    $preset .= '

custom contents

'; return $preset; } add_filter('pc_pvt_page_preset_contents', 'foo'); ?>

Manage registration forms structure. Set included and required fields.
Fields must be registered in form framework.

  1. (array) associative array having this structure array('include' => included fields array, 'require' => included fields array)
  2. (int) registration form ID
// add 'test' field into registation form and set it as required
function foo($structure) {
	$structure['include'][] = 'test';
	$structure['require'][] = 'test';
	return $structure;
add_filter('pc_registration_form', 'foo', 10, 2);

Allow extra control over meta fields saved during user insert/update operations

  1. (array) form fields data fetched (index => value)
  2. (int) the user ID
  3. (array) field IDs included in the submitted form
// assuming to have a "my_meta" meta value, let's uppercase it for user #5
function foo($fields_val, $user_id, $fields) {
    if($user_id == 5 && isset($fields_val['my_meta'])) {
        $fields_val['my_meta'] = strtoupper($fields_val['my_meta']);   
	return $fields_val;
add_filter('pc_save_meta_fields', 'foo', 10, 3);

Add validation indexes to settings page. Must comply with Simple Form Validator format.
For every succcessfully validated index will be created a WordPress option

  1. (array) associative array containing validation indexes
// add 'pc_test' field into validated fields
function foo($indexes) {
	$indexes[] = array('index'=>'pc_test', 'label'=>'Test', 'type'=>'int');
	return $indexes;
add_filter('pc_settings_validations', 'foo');

// if successfully validated - you can get that through get_option('pc_test');

Manage user attributes to be included in the advanced search form and to be queried as user meta key (eg. premium plans status)

  1. (array) attributes array (check the example to know more about the structure)
// add Premium Plan add-on statuses
function foo($atts) {
    $to_add = array();
    $statuses = array(
        'active'    => 'Active', 
        'disabled'  => 'Disabled', 
        'pending'   => 'Pending',

    foreach($statuses as $key => $name) {
        $to_add['pcpp_'. $key .'_status'] = array(
            'name'      => 'Premium Plans add-on - '. $name .' status', // dropdown option label
            'db_key'    => 'pcpp_subscr_status', // meta data name as stored in the database
            'db_val'    => $key, // meta data value stored in the database
    return array_merge($atts, $to_add);
add_filter('pc_ulist_adv_search_user_atts', 'foo');

Performs custom data validation before user is updated

  1. (string) errors already found, HTML readyto be printed
  2. (array) associative array of fetched value (field_name => field_value)
// return an error if e-mail field doesn't contain
function foo($errors, $fdata) {
	if(isset($fdata['email']) && strpos($fdata['email'], '') === false) {
		$errors .= '
E-mail must be of domain!'; } return $errors; } add_filter('pc_update_user_data_check', 'foo', 10, 2); ?>

Customize required fields for user update

  1. (array) required fields array. Fields must be registered in form framework

Inject extra fields to be validated and saved in user dashboard page

  1. (array) array of included and required fields array (must comply with the framework structure)
  2. (false|int) user ID eventually passed or false
// Assuming you have a field named "my_field", the code set it to be saved
function foo($structure, $user_id) {
    $structure['include'][] = 'my_field'; 
	return $structure;
add_filter('pc_user_dashboard_validation', 'foo', 10, 2);

Allows users query parameters tweak in users list page

  1. (array) query arguments. Please check the class method documentation to know more

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