Users Meta Manag. class
PHP class used to manage users meta data: insertion, editing, deletion.
Is instantiated in website and reachable through php global pc_meta.
Extends main pc_users class.
Located in classes folder.
Method used to know if user has got a meta data in database
has_meta($subj, $meta_name, $get = array('meta_id'))
(int/string) $subj | user id or username |
(string) $meta_name | meta data key to match |
(array) $get | fields to return. Could be: meta_id and/or meta_value |
Return Values
(mixed) | what you requested (meta_id or value) |
(bool) | false if user doesn't have the meta |
Method used to get single user's meta data
get_meta($subj, $meta_name)
(int/string) $subj | user id or username |
(string) $meta_name | meta data key to match |
Return Values
(mixed) | meta value (in case, already unserialized) |
(bool) | false if user doesn't have the meta |
// print meta data 'test' for user #5
global $pc_meta;
echo $pc_meta->get_meta(5, 'test');
Method used to add a user's meta.
If it already exists in database, will be updated.
add_meta($subj, $meta_name, $value)
(int/string) $subj | user id or username |
(string) $meta_name | meta data key to add - max 255 characters long |
(mixed) $value | meta data value. Could be anything, also an array or an object |
Return Values
(int) | meta data ID if has been successfully created |
(bool) | false if an error occurred |
// add meta data 'test' for user #5
global $pc_meta;
$data = array('something' => 'else', 'yet some data', 2);
$result = $pc_meta->add_meta(5, 'test', $data);
if($result) {
// meta added
} else {
// error occurred
Method used to update a user's meta.
If it doesn't exist in database, will be added.
update_meta($subj, $meta_name, $value)
(int/string) $subj | user id or username |
(string) $meta_name | meta data key to update |
(mixed) $value | meta data value. Could be anything, also an array or an object |
Return Values
(int) | meta data ID if has been successfully created |
(bool) | false if an error occurred |
Method used to delete a user's meta.
delete_meta($subj, $meta_name)
(int/string) $subj | user id or username |
(string) $meta_name | meta data key to delete |
Return Values
(bool) | true if data has been deleted, otherwise false |
Method used to perform a bulk meta action for one or multiple users.
bulk_meta_action($users, $action, $meta_name, $value = '', $data_type = 'id')
(int/string/array) $users | single user ID/username or array containing usernames or IDs but must be uniform |
(string) $action | bulk action to perform (add / update / delete) |
(string) $meta_name | meta data key to add/update/delete - max 255 characters long |
(mixed) $value | meta data value to add/update. Could be anything, also an array or an object |
(string) $data_type | declares the data type passed in $users array (id / username) |
Return Values
(bool) | true if operation is complete, otherwise false |
// add meta 'test' for multiple users
global $pc_meta;
$data = array('something' => 'else', 'yet some data', 2);
$users = array(5,7,9,10); // users ID array
$result = $pc_meta->bulk_meta_action($users, 'add', 'test', $data);
if($result) {
// meta added
} else {
// error occurred