LC Switch

Javascript Plugin

Superlight javascript plugin improving forms look and functionality.
Vanilla javascript. No dependencies. Everything in a single 7KB file, all inclusive!

Basically turning this ..

.. into this!

.. and using options ..

Basic Implementation

Vanilla javascript. No dependencies. Just include one file and enjoy!

					<!doctype html>
           <input type="checkbox" name="sample" value="1" />

        <script src="lc_switch.min.js"type="text/javascript"></script>

        <script type="text/javascript">lc_switch('input[type=checkbox]');</script>


Here are listed available options with default values

					lc_switch('input[type=checkbox], input[type=radio]', {

    // (string) "checked" status label text
    on_txt      : 'ON',
    // (string) "not checked" status label text
    off_txt     : 'OFF',

    // (string) custom "on" color. Supports also gradients
    on_color    : false,

    // (bool) whether to enable compact mode
    compact_mode: false

Public Functions

Available public functions to be called on initialized inputs

					const inputs = document.querySelectorAll('input[type=checkbox], input[type=radio]');

// checks the field

// unchecks the field

// toggles targeted field

// disables the field

// enables the field

// refreshes plugin interface retrieving input attributes (useful while changing HTML attributes directly)

// destroys plugin initialization showing HTML fields again

Public Events

Available public functions to be called on initialized inputs

					document.querySelectorAll('input[type=checkbox], input[type=radio]').forEach(function(el) {

    // triggered each time input status changes (checked and disabled)
    el.addEventListener('lcs-statuschange', ...);
    // triggered each time input is checked
    el.addEventListener('lcs-on', ...);
    // triggered each time input is uncheked
    el.addEventListener('lcs-off', ...);
    // triggered each time input is enabled
    el.addEventListener('lcs-enabled', ...);
    // triggered each time input is disabled
    el.addEventListener('lcs-disabled', ...);


Let's get in touch!

Features list