LC Lightbox



LC Lightbox has got also several callbacks triggered during its operations.
Callbacks have to be used right on plugin's initialization.

Here's an example showing the full callbacks list:

<script type='text/javascript'>
$(document).ready(function() {
	$obj = lc_lightbox('#lcl_elems_wrapper a', {
		option1 : 'value1',
		option2 : 'value2',
		elems_parsed 	: function(opts, vars) {}, // Triggered when targeted DOM elements have been managed (indipendently from lightbox opening)
		html_is_ready 	: function(opts, vars) {}, // Triggered when lightbox's HTML code is appended to page 
		on_open			: function(opts, vars) {}, // Triggered on first lightbox opening: right BEFORE lightbox element is displayed
		on_elem_switch	: function(opts, vars, new_el_id) {}, // Triggered right before lightbox element's switch. new_el_id contains the element's index to be shown next
		slideshow_start	: function(opts, vars) {}, // Triggered on slideshow start
		slideshow_end	: function(opts, vars) {}, // Triggered on slideshow end
		on_fs_enter		: function(opts, vars) {}, // Triggered on fullscreen mode enter
		on_fs_exit		: function(opts, vars) {}, // Triggered on fullscreen mode exit
		on_close		: function(opts, vars) {}  // Triggered on lightbox closing. HTML and variables are still accessible

There are two fixed arguments passed to these functions:

Object containing managed lightbox options
Object containing various objects and variables used by the lightbox instance

They are essentially equal to use global variables (check the related chapter to know more).