LCweb WP Dashboard FAQs
Lcweb Dashboard is the direct link between LC Licenses Hub and your website.
The place where your product licenses usage are certificated: enabling the automated updater and (coming soon) allowing plugin’s backend usage.
But there’s more: it gives you direct links to changelogs and documentations as well as a real-time support entitlement reminder.
Tokens are gived by the Licenses Hub. In there you have to register your licenses and set on which domain they will be used on.
Once added, they will be listed under the related product. Each recorded license has got a production and eventually a staging domain shown.
Aside of the domain you find the activation token to use.
Purchasing from Envato you accepted its license terms: each license can be used on a single project/domain.
Through the Licenses Hub LCweb gives you 6 extra months in case you have short-terms domain name change. Plus also a staging domain token.
In case you need to change the domain name keeping the same project, please get in touch with [email protected]
PRIOR NOTE: LCweb products can always be manually updated. Just download again the product from your Codecanyon profile. Then delete and reinstall the plugin (no worries, nothing will be lost!).
Back to the main topic: most of customers never read changelogs, nor perform backups, nor check dev notes. In some cases this leads to troubles. Troubles to be faced without a valid support entitlement == unsatisfied customers.
Since LCweb cares about each single website where its products are installed, it’s essential to give legitimate help in case of troubles. Because of this, automated updates now requires a valid support entitlement.
Remember one support renewal will cover all your licenses of the same product. Also purchasing a new license will lead to the same result.
On the bottom line, the lifetime auto-updates policy paying a little initial fee isn’t sustainable anymore. To maintain and improve codes requires constant efforts and time. Without this, projects would be abandoned.
Do you have other specific questions? Get in touch with [email protected]